Timetable Creation

Construct graphic timetables

iPLAN offers a way of systematical timetable construction. By means of the involved travel time calculation, the access to infrastructure and vehicle data, the search for train paths to plan travel situations as well as a wide range of railway specific construction tools you achieve rapidly significant and functional proved results.

The graphic timetable represents the most relevant document. Described by infrastructure data, it shows the movement of trains along a line, and over appropriate location spots. Furthermore, the technical characteristics of trains, their temporal and geographical position inclucing the chronology of stops and the order of the trains among each other are determined here.

Because of the high flexibilityamong iPLAN, graphic timetables aren't static objects but can be created for (almost) any train path in the existant net.

For example, graphic timetables for long-term, strategic studies (maybe under simplyfied assumptions referring to selected data) without a clear timetable year, comparisons of variants with different operating concepts and also a concrete annual timetable, or intrayear construction work-related timetable can be created and managed. Also for dispositive and operative tasks during daily operation, iPLAN's graphic timetable delineates the best selectable tool.



Further applications of graphic timetable are analyses on the effects of construction measures on travel time, train sequence and line capacity. How much buffering time between two conseqcutive or cruising trains at a certain location spot are indicated by the occupency time steps? Is a double-tracked expansion really necessary or does an other vehicle or the elimination of a speed restriction meet to reach the desired time constraints and connection?

Also various types of operation like train announce or train control operation can be analysed.

Plan and visualize integral clock systems

Modern operating concepts in long-distance passenger service and in local public transport are characterized by being based on clock-face timetables. That's why iPLAN supports users not only in its modul graphic timetable with opportunities for easy construction and administration of those interval trains: the modul interval graphics goes even further.

The interval graphics in connection with the launch of clock-face timetables and line systems at the railway evolved as a suitable graphic information medium. Its visual character realizes a clear, transparent and uniform presentation of geographical, temporal and qualitative driving offers; not only on a single line but along the whole net - "at a glance". The interval graphics combine the classic network of routes with essential timetable information, that means it involves the combination of network of routes and interval timetable.

Regarding to this background, the interval graphics are an effective medium for planning interval systems, espacially on review, how close the planner achieved the aim of a network-wide link through the construction of single graphic timetable lines and how the achievment of this "general" objective, with regard to concrete measurable criteria (transitional periods, travel time, frequency of the connection etc.) becomes.