Keeping the Overview: Statistics in FBS
Although we say "a picture is worth a thousand words" and although in deed many railway operational documents, created by the help of FBS - grapfic timetables, circulation plans, interval graphics, station timetables - are primary graphic media, the core of data for an operational concept above all consists of numbers. And it is indispensible to order, select, aggregate and further process these numbers, if for example an operating programme shall be rated and calculated in the course of a public tender.
The statistic module in FBS generally works network wide and disposes of extensive instruments to filter and select values, e.g. in regard to picked out lines, classes/products, types of location spots and lots of other infrastructure attributes or of the possibilities to narrow down the periods or a statistic year divergent from the network period.
In the regional passenger rail transport the operating performances (train kilometres per period) represent a key measure for regional authorities and transport companies. When trains pass through the territories of different regional responsible booking organizations, it is no problem to query the operating performances differentiated, if appropriated charge and coverage areas were indicated before in the infrastructure data. A similar thing happens with route sections belonging to different infrastructure operators. It's also easy to determine train kilometres for empty paths, which are not included in the "booking volume" of published drives.
Of course the path and station prices are relevant cost units for all train traffics. Train path prices are normally measured by the distances, which do not conform exactly the physical lengths of the infrastructure as they underlie the driving dynamic calculations in iPLAN.
But nevertheless the FBS statistics help, because they enable a complementation of the intern (physical) distance measures by extern length information (e.g. in accordence to TPN) espacially for train path pricing calculation.
For station price calculation there is an operating control points statistic offered, which gives information about the number of arrivals and departures, public stops, beginning/ending trains and so on. This is useful espacially in combination with the filter and evaluation possibilities of the programme. For every location spot it's category regarding to the station model of the Deutsche Bahn is entrained, if the FBS station database was cared.
To the operational efforts, which above all interest the transport companies belong the driving performances (train kilometres per period), which may be different on equal operating performance - depending on the train haul. Therefore the FBS user utilizes the train section or the vehicle statistic.
If asked for proof of required minimum capacities - maybe in terms of section and operating day precise guidelines per train - to be fulfilled with the concept planned in FBS, a table can be found in traffical statistics with information on cover and the offered seats, which reacts on strengthening and weakening of the train at stops. Closed train sections, including non- available seats can be considered here as well (e.g. for circulation or financial reasons).
Of course you can copy all these comprehensive tables in your calculation programme and process them there easily.