RailML® Interface (among others Open Track)
For many years FBS has been developing special interfaces to third party systems, which are used productively by a variety of customers. The indisputable advantages of these interfaces are opposed by a huge maintenance effort, which is unfortunately reflected in a corresponding effort of time and costs for the customers. That's why iRFP has been intensivly involved in the development of an exchange format for railway data that is as uniform as possible - the XMLexchange format railML® - since 2002 . Thus FBS data can be interchanged with third party systems in raimML® format easier.
Scope of the FBS-railML interface
The FBS-railML interface currently enables
- an export of selected infrastructure data as well as nearly all timetable data from FBS to the railML format (currently railML 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.5)
- and also an import of timetable data out of the railML format (currently railML 2.0, 2.2)
in structured, systematic form for the technical evaluation and utilization in third programs. Vehicle data coming from FBS are contained in the exported railML data in (fundamental) standard, which is necessary for the evaluation of the timetable data mentioned above. Not all technical data are exported, because the main purpose of the present FBS-railML interface is considered in the export of timetable data created in FBS. For editing of railML vehicle data and for entering of vehivle data for FBS, there is a special vehicle data program of iRFP at your disposal.
Additional technical advice for developers can be found on our support page.