Further Interfaces

Microsoft Excel

We offer an interface for Microsoft Excel® for all FPL output data on request.

Infrastrukture and driving data bases of the Europ. state railways

The biggest European state railways have national and individual adapted programs for timetable scheduling in use. On clients request iRFP created special FBS interfaces to the IT systems of e.g. the ÖBB (ROMAN, M-AMA and others) or DB Netz AG (IFB, TEFA, NSS/GFD). So in most cases existing data bases can be assumed or injected in pursuing systems without any extern conversion effort.

CAD sign systems

After graphic timetable creation there are still detailed timetable document adaptions necessary concerning the companys existing habits. Perhaps FBS as a standard program specialized on timetable construction can't display these habits, so a manual graphic adaption of e.g. the timetable head seems to be necessary.

FBS timetables as PDf can be converted e.g. with the program Print2CAD in DWG-/DXF-format and than aligned in CAD sign systems. We thank Mr. Ulrich Miedler from the Südwestdeutschen Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft for this hint. Unfortunately iRFP can't offer any support to this data conversion.