20571: What is the difference between a basic profile and an additional profile? Why is there a distinction between increasing and decreasing additional profiles?

Basic profiles must always be continuously defined, that means for all sections of a route. They are intended for generally approved speeds or the highest planning or design speed that the regulatory authority has set for a route.

A line should normally have at least two basic profiles, one for each direction of travel. If necessary, two additional profiles can be added if the speeds of the opposite track differ from those of the normal track in one direction of travel. Please refer to topic #20574 for more information.

Additional profiles are used to display all other special features with regard to the speeds. Additional profiles can never be used on their own, but they are always increasing or decreasing to a basic profile (or to other additional profiles). Reducing additional profiles are intended for slow travel (bends, deficiencies) and are the normal case. Increasingly acting additional profiles are typical for tilt technology. In contrast to basic profiles, additional profiles can be section-wise undefined: where, for example, there is no corresponding slow speed position or no arc, the additional profile does not contain any entry (enter speed 0 = unlimited).

If you use additional profiles that increase and decrease simultaneously with a basic profile, the increasing and then the decreasing are evaluated first. That means decreasing has priority over increasing.

Last update on 2020-03-19 by iRFP Support.

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